New Skills

Category: Growth Prompts

Your character is able to do more and more things as they get older. What kind of things are they allowed to do?


With age comes new responsibilities and new things that you're allowed to do. As your character grows up, surely more doors have opened up to them. Or, at least, officially opened up to them. Show your character doing something they're allowed to now! Are they excited, or is it just more dumb work? Have they been doing this earlier than they were supposed to be doing it? Or is it all new to them?

Depict your teenage character doing something that's newly allowed to them!

Art Requirements: Minimum 1 fullbody polished sketch or lineart. Going beyond these requirements with extra characters, color, or backgrounds will earn you bonus gama!
Writing Requirements: Minimum 350 words. Each 50 extra words beyond the requirements will net you bonus gama!

Base Rewards: 10 G


Reward Amount
Gama 10