
Category: Growth Prompts

Part of becoming an adult is learning new things from others. What does your character learn?


Outside of school, teenagers tend to have a lot of free time. Some of them use this free time to join apprenticeships for different jobs and trades, preparing them more for adulthood in the process. What kind of apprenticeship might your character take on? Is it above the board? Are they actually interested in it or did they maybe get it for some other reason?

Depict your teenage character doing some kind of apprenticeship!

Art Requirements: Minimum 1 fullbody polished sketch or lineart. Going beyond these requirements with extra characters, color, or backgrounds will earn you bonus gama!
Writing Requirements: Minimum 350 words. Each 50 extra words beyond the requirements will net you bonus gama!

Base Rewards: 10 G


Reward Amount
Gama 10