
Category: Growth Prompts

Is your Hanasei ready to graduate from school and become an adult?


There aren't any real big, physical changes when Hanasei become young adults. Culturally, however, adulthood is still an important tradition. The transition from youth to adulthood isn't celebrated at their birthday, though, but when they graduate from foundational education, along with their peers and friends. Depict your Hanasei preparing for, attending, or otherwise involved in their graduation. Are they nervous? Or are they ready for the challenges ahead?

Depict your Hanasei before, during, or after their graduation!

Art Requirements: Minimum 1 fullbody polished sketch or lineart. Going beyond these requirements with extra characters, color, or backgrounds will earn you bonus gama!
Writing Requirements: Minimum 350 words. Each 50 extra words beyond the requirements will net you bonus gama!

Base Rewards: 10 G


Reward Amount
Gama 10