Tocha Master

Category: Aether Prompts


As one's Tocha skills grow, they become more and more comfortable with exploring and understanding the deeper parts of the earth. It becomes part of yourself, a new home.

Show your character mastering the complex and intricate underground world. Are they able to memorize and map all the tunnels and burrows they've made? Do they dive deeper and discover something special? Perhaps a hidden cave, an underground lake, or a wonderful treasure?


Tocha users are seen as passive and practical, but one must not underestimate the combat abilities of a master. The perfected synergy allows them to weaponize earth in thousands of ways.

Show your character learning how to fully make use of the earth around them. Do they indulge in the more powerful combat options of their Aether, constructing defensive walls and impaling spikes? How hard does it feel to move such large amounts of seemingly-unmovable earth? Do they struggle?


No rewards.