I Want to Be…

Category: Growth Prompts

What does your character want to be? Show their dreams and expectations of their adult life.


Growing up, everyone makes plans and ideas for how they're going to live the rest of their lives. It's a natural process as they watch adults in their lives go about their business. What does your character think their life is going to be like? What do they want to be? Are their dreams and wishes quaint, or are they unrealistic or grand? 

Depict your baby character thinking about what it'll be like when they grow up!

Art Requirements: Minimum 1 fullbody polished sketch or lineart. Going beyond these requirements with extra characters, color, or backgrounds will earn you bonus gama!
Writing Requirements: Minimum 350 words. Each 50 extra words beyond the requirements will net you bonus gama!

Base Rewards: 10 G


Reward Amount
Gama 10